This series is about all the conversations we’ve had since beginning our quarantine. Not just conversations within the class framework, but with those individuals we have reconnected with since then. Personally, I have found it particularly calming to attempt to look at the unprecedented situation from a different viewpoint, and I try to convey this through this series. Instead of focusing on media outlets that are currently blasting the negative repercussions of the global pandemic, I try to focus on viewpoints that allow the viewer to see things from a different viewpoint and light. This is mainly shown through the use of reflective surfaces that inherently have qualities of reflecting the typical point of view. Each pair of images is one of my own images alongside an image created by another classmate. The individual images resemble the main points of the narrative, while the pairs represent the virtual conversations that were held over the past few weeks. In each pair, I looked for similar qualities in the photos, from color scheme and shadows to the meaning behind the photograph based on group member comments. My hope is that the audience sees this series, and are able to interpret the narrative of my quarantine and are able to find a comparison between their story and mine. Although it may seem like we’re living in a small fishbowl, it’s important to know that this will all be over soon and the time will pass quicker if we focus on positive, calming imagery. Images were pulled from a collective gallery, consisting of images by all students in the class.