With the goal of creating place that nests within the urban context and social identity of Flatbush, symbiotic relationships are shown between senior living, families with children, and commercial development. Co-housing strategies centralize multiple scales of community with a double-height cluster that extends out to Nostrand Avenue. Slanted glazing protects against the elements while creating a scale that does not overwhelm pedestrians walking along Nostrand Avenue. As this design steps into the rest of the site, our design landscapes the backyard of the existing home on Albermarle Road to marry both outside spaces as one. Moving through to the exterior courtyard, this outdoor space opens up to East 29th Street which welcomes a Health and Wellness Center that gives programming back to the existing community through addressing a place specific concern-the health and wellbeing of both prospective and existing residents of Flatbush, Brooklyn. This project was a group submission; other group members include Ghalya Al Sanea, Alyssa Mayorga, Takumi Davis, Taylor Latimer, Lydia Randall, Ever Clinton, and Vanshika Gandotra